Announced next week.
19:08 Meri : I just got home and ate treats.
19:09 Tokuko: I thought I'd try pancakes for lunch today, but they were too sweet and I couldn't finish them, and I'm still not hungry.
19:10 Meri : The one with the great whip these days?
19:10 Tokuko: It wasn't like that, so I tried it. But it didn't work.
19:10 Meri : Some pancakes are too sweet.
19:11 Meri : I ate the sandwich I bought. I can't go to nursery school today either!
19:11 Tokuko: I can't go tomorrow.
19:11 Meri : Isn't it hand, foot and mouth disease? (Yesterday, I received a phone call from the nursery school asking me to pick up my child because he had hand, foot and mouth disease.)
19:12 Tokuko: I saw the news on NHK yesterday and thought it was definitely wrong. That's scary!
19:12 Meri : At the hospital this morning, I looked for a rash with the nurses and doctors.
19:13 Tokuko: It seems to be popular, so please be careful.
19:14 Meri : I missed going to the hospital. But I hope I can get my vaccinations tomorrow.
19:15 Tokuko: I'm just glad I got the injection.
19:15 Meri : Yes.
19:16 Tokuko: Yes, I had to write a pattern. I will do it tomorrow.
19:17 Meri : That's right. New colors are coming!
19:18 Tokuko: Did you make it in time? deadline is.
19:19 Meri : 1 color coming soon
19:20 Meri : Unfortunately, another color will be next year
19:20 Tokuko: That's good. Oh, I'm talking about Wanderlust Line . this.
19:21 Meri : Look forward to it.
19:21 Tokuko: I got tendonitis, so the announcement was delayed a lot. I hope to be able to announce it next week.
19:21 Meri : It's finally here! Poor thing.
19:22 Meri : Thank you for knitting me a perfect one though
19:23 Tokuko: I hope I can get it next year. I'm praying for you.
19:23 Meri : Let's pray together.