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Turning Sketches into Stitches
Sewing Machine Embroidery by Nutel Watanabe Eri

Flowers and leaves are drawn with thin black lines on a white canvas. The lines appear to be slightly wavering. Upon closer inspection, you will notice that they are threads embroidered using a sewing machine.

一枚の薄布に留める記憶と景色<br>絞り染め作家 清水美於奈

Capturing Memories and Sceneries on Ultra-thin Fabric
Shibori dyeing artist Miona Shimizu

Countless small grains are clumped together into a mass, while sphere-like objects made of thin cloth are placed gently on a platform. The former looks like some deep-sea creature and the latter perhaps, a visualization of wind.

— What could these be?

インタビュー:Adriana Torres <br>世界を旅する刺繍作家

Interview: Adriana Torres
An Argentinian embroidery artist travelling the world

Her embroidery is characterized by subtle and soft tones using many stitches techniques.
She will be holding an embroidery workshop at WALNUT Kyoto, and we spoke with her to learn more about her work and career.


Peya by Hanna Maciejewska

Peya by Hanna Maciejewska

I’ve been absolutely captivated by Japanese knitwear designs for a while now!
Crayola by María Jesús Camus

Crayola by María Jesús Camus

For me, designing any garment is always a challenge. I unraveled it several times, but I think it was worth it.
Marrakesh by Mizuho Kimiya

Marrakesh by Mizuho Kimiya

I'm drawn to pastel color combinations!


あの時私は - 合唱コンクール

In Retrospect - Choir Competition

I entered high school expecting to have a fun school life, but I didn't get along with my homeroom teacher, and I had a rebellious attitude every day.
Through the Lens - 30

Through the Lens - 30

It's a good habit to think about your resolutions at the beginning of the year.

あの時私は - 団地

Apartment blocks

I still have a hard time in places where there are many identical buildings in a row because I remember getting lost in an apartment block.

Shop News

Mimura Tomomi フェアのご案内

Mimura Tomomi フェアのご案内

モザイクダーニング刺繍のアーティスト, ミムラトモミさんのフェアをWALNUT TokyoとWALNUT Kyotoで開催します!

寄付実施のご報告 - Nomad Knits -

Donation Report - Nomad Knits -

We are pleased to announce that a portion of the proceeds from the sales of the book Nomad Knits have been donated to an NGO that supports nomads in Mongolia.
寄付実施のご報告 - あしなが育英会 -

寄付実施のご報告 - あしなが育英会 -
