
ふたたび Travel vol.1 A Day in Nara フェア@WALNUT Kyotoのご案内
May 26, 2023
書籍『Travel vol.1 A Day in Nara』も残り少なくなりました。
WALNUT Kyotoでサンプルの展示会を行います。
WALNUT Kyotoでサンプルの展示会を行います。

52 Weeks of Socks, Vol. II フェアのご案内
April 01, 2023
書籍『52 Weeks of Socks, Vol. II 』リリース記念!
WALNUT TokyoとKyotoで、Yuri Kader Kojimaさん, Kaori Katsuradaさん, Yuccaさん, Keiko Kikunoさんの作品を展示します。
WALNUT TokyoとKyotoで、Yuri Kader Kojimaさん, Kaori Katsuradaさん, Yuccaさん, Keiko Kikunoさんの作品を展示します。

52 Weeks of Socks, Vol. II Release!
March 31, 2023
Today (March 31st) is the release date for 52 Weeks of Socks, Vol.
In commemoration of the release, we are planning an exhibition and yarn sale!
In commemoration of the release, we are planning an exhibition and yarn sale!

Spring Shawl Fair
March 04, 2023
Speaking of spring knitting, lace shawl.
We will exhibit lace shawls at WALNUT Tokyo and WALNUT Kyoto.
We will exhibit lace shawls at WALNUT Tokyo and WALNUT Kyoto.

Knot clothes pre-order event
March 02, 2023
At WALNUT Tokyo, we will hold an order meeting for Knot's spring clothes.

Woolfolk Kit Ordering Event Information
January 27, 2023
Five amirisu designers designed using Woolfolk yarn.
We will exhibit the sample and hold an order meeting.
We will exhibit the sample and hold an order meeting.

Flutter Collection 2022 Sample Exhibition Information
December 08, 2022
amirisu Flutter Collection 2022 sample exhibition will be held!
date and time
WALNUT Kyoto store: 12/8 (Friday) - 12/14 (Wednesday) 11:00-17:00
*We are closed on Sundays and Mondays. please note.
WALNUT Tokyo store: 12/17 (Sat) - 12/24 (Sat) 11:00-18:00
*We are closed on Sundays and Mondays. please note.
date and time
WALNUT Kyoto store: 12/8 (Friday) - 12/14 (Wednesday) 11:00-17:00
*We are closed on Sundays and Mondays. please note.
WALNUT Tokyo store: 12/17 (Sat) - 12/24 (Sat) 11:00-18:00
*We are closed on Sundays and Mondays. please note.

Amirisu No. 25 Exhibition Information
November 04, 2022
November 9th is the release date of amirisu No. 25 (Japanese version)!
WALNUT Kyoto and WALNUT Tokyo will hold an annual exhibition!
WALNUT Kyoto and WALNUT Tokyo will hold an annual exhibition!