Oblique by Emily Greene

Featured in amirisu Issue 26, published in 2023.
We are checking in with Emily Greene, who designed Oblique, a modern and stylish striped pullover.
A unique technique is applied to transition to the armholes. Even knitters with knowledge and experience will enjoy discovering how this pullover comes together.
She also suggests wonderful color combinations and arrangements. Keep reading to learn more about Emily and her design!
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Emily: My original inspiration for Oblique came from an exaggerated armscye I saw in a ready-to-wear top, which set my creative wheels turning. I always enjoy the problem-solving parts of knitwear design, and I wanted to come up with a method to create that unusual shaping in a handknit sweater—without requiring a lot of precise seaming. I am always drawn to striped garments in summer, and in this design, the stripes play up the unusual construction of the sleeves and yokes graphically.
amirisu: What, if any, challenges did you encounter during the design process?
Emily: For a sweater that is simple to knit, this one wasn’t so simple to design! Because of the construction, the relationship between stitch and row gauge is more important than in most patterns, and I had to do quite a lot of careful calculations to get all the angles right for a great fit through the shoulders and sleeves.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Emily: I’d love to knit another Oblique in Woolfolk Stra colors S8 (a heathered off-black) and S9 (a cool taupe), and to play with a thick-and-thin stripe pattern as an alternative to the balanced stripes of the original. I can’t wait to see all the unique color and stripe combinations knitters will bring to this design!
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Emily: I learned how to knit when I was a kid, but I didn’t get into it seriously until I was in graduate school for architecture. At that point, I had been sewing garments for myself for decades, and my knitwear designs are definitely influenced by my knowledge of pattern drafting and sewn garment construction, as well as my architectural background.
amirisu: How do you like to spend time in the summer? What do you like to knit or make in warmer months?
Emily: This is Maine’s brief but glorious outdoor knitting season! As a designer, I am always working on new design samples for upcoming seasons, so my ‘summer’ knitting projects tend to consist of warm, wooly sweaters for the deep of winter. I love spending the summertime knitting with friends at local breweries and scenic spots along the Maine coast and inland lakes. There is nothing better than sitting on a dock (or my little back porch), getting in a few rows while soaking up the sunshine!
Thank you, Emily!