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一枚の薄布に留める記憶と景色<br>絞り染め作家 清水美於奈

Capturing Memories and Sceneries on Ultra-thin Fabric
Shibori dyeing artist Miona Shimizu

Countless small grains are clumped together into a mass, while sphere-like objects made of thin cloth are placed gently on a platform. The former looks like some deep-sea creature and the latter perhaps, a visualization of wind.

— What could these be?

インタビュー:Adriana Torres <br>世界を旅する刺繍作家

Interview: Adriana Torres
An Argentinian embroidery artist travelling the world

Her embroidery is characterized by subtle and soft tones using many stitches techniques.
She will be holding an embroidery workshop at WALNUT Kyoto, and we spoke with her to learn more about her work and career.
身につけて楽しむ、装いの刺繍<br>刺繍作家 蓬莱和歌子

Wear and enjoy embroidery on clothing
Wakako Horai, embroidery artist

This is a collar embroidered with pretty flowers. You will instantly look gorgeous just by layering it over a dress or shirt.


Acuminate by Bristol Ivy

Acuminate by Bristol Ivy

One of both my favorite and most challenging parts of any design process is tiptoeing the line between interesting design and approachable pattern.

妄想編み物9: Marshalが編みたい

Fantasy Knitting 9: I want to knit Marshal

It's been almost 10 years since I put this pattern in my Ravelry queue.
妄想編み物8: Bixbiteが編みたい

Fantasy Knitting 8: I want to knit a Bixbite

Well, this is the first time since the series started that I'm introducing something I've already started knitting.


Through the Lens - 30

Through the Lens - 30

It's a good habit to think about your resolutions at the beginning of the year.

あの時私は - 団地

Apartment blocks

I still have a hard time in places where there are many identical buildings in a row because I remember getting lost in an apartment block.
Lori's Notebook - Cottage Linens

Lori's Notebook - Cottage Linens

Try painting a stencil on a kitchen cloth.

Shop News

amirisu assemblage Volume 1 / 2025 展示会のご案内

amirisu assemblage Volume 1 / 2025 展示会のご案内

『amirisu assemblage Volume 1 / 2025 』の展示会を WALNUT Tokyoと WALNUT Kyotoで開催します!

Staff Projects: お正月休みに編んだもの

Staff Projects: FO during the New Year holidays

This is what the amirisu staff, who were introduced on YouTube Live at the end of last year, would like to knit over the New Year holidays .
We'd like to introduce you to some works by staff who kept their word and completed their works!

緒方伶香の3days@WALNUT Kyoto

緒方伶香の3days@WALNUT Kyoto

2025年1月17日〜1月19日、WANUT Kyotoでスペシャルな緒方玲香の3daysフェアを開催します!