Haruni by Emily Ross

“The inspiration for Haruni is deeply personal as it is connected to my wedding. In the months prior to the wedding I knit lace shawls for myself, as well as my mother, my mother in-law, and my step mother in-law. I had always intended to knit one for my grandma as well, but ran out of time. On the flight home from our honeymoon I cast on a triangular shawl for my grandma, and I realized the simple lace stitch I was working could be combined with the leafy border from the wedding shawls, and the prototype Haruni flew off my needles!
The design process was fairly straightforward, but the pattern writing process was quite challenging. I hadn’t intended to publish the pattern, but after posting photos on Ravelry I received a number of requests to write up the pattern. With copious input from knitters and significant help from my husband, who covers photography, pattern layout, and all other non-knitting aspects, we eventually published Haruni.
I am continually amazed at the beautiful array of Harunis I see online, and the creativity of fellow knitters who have adapted it to skirts, baby blankets, even a wedding dress! The stories I hear from knitters who have used this pattern to make comfort shawls, to donate to charity, or as a gift for someone special reinforces my belief that knitting is an act of love, and I’m humbled Haruni has inspired so many people.”
Photo courtesy of Emily Ross.