September 14, 2024

Fantasy Knitting 6: I want to knit MiZZoni Sweater

妄想編み物6: MiZZoni Sweaterが編みたい


I met the designer Lindsay at Rhinebeck (NY Sheep & Wool Festival).

She was a very cute and stylish woman who stood out even from a distance. She was wearing a sweater full of eyes and a yellow and orange hat. The pom-poms on her hat had cute faces. She definitely stood out at the event venue, which was packed with people, and I ended up talking to her. That's when I found out she was a knitwear designer and also sold finished wear. She's one of the designers I'm paying the most attention to right now.

There are many knitwear designs by her that I want to knit, but the one I'm most interested in is this MiZZoni sweater . It's a Missoni-style sweater, so I wonder if it's a play on the name. It features a colorful zigzag pattern.

When using DK/Worsted, you should knit one strand, and if you are using Fingering, you should knit two strands. This sweater can be made with a lot of leftover yarn. It looks great no matter how many colors you use, but since it's too much of a hassle to gather all the colors, I'm thinking of knitting the Hike with just one strand. I can use as many colors as in the sample, or it might be cute to knit it with two or three colors. The yarn is already secured so that I can start knitting at any time.