August 16, 2024

Mystery KAL 2024 Q&A

Mystery KAL 2024 よくある質問集

In preparation for our 2024 MKAL we’ve collected some of the most frequently asked questions about MKALs in general and some basic details about this year's project. Please take a look before starting your project.


It might be a little unnerving to knit a project without knowing the final design or shape, but the anticipation of seeing the shawl come together is one of the most exciting parts of participating in a Mystery KAL!

There’s no need to worry about perfection. Even if you find that your shawl is shaped is a little different than others or the colors combined in unexpected ways, it will be equally beautiful wrapped around you.

In any case, we hope that everyone will have fun! If this is your first Mystery KAL, we hope it will inspire you to savor the creative freedom of knitting.

   -  Tokuko Ochiai, designer


【Basic Questions】

What is a KAL
KAL is short for “knit along.” A knit along is an event where people knit a project or projects at the same time based on a common theme. 

Okay, so whats a Mystery KAL
For this type of KAL, participants knit from a pattern without seeing what the final project looks like, hence the mystery!

For our 2024 MKAL, the only details participants know are that the project is a shawl and two colors of fingering weight yarn will be used.

The pattern will be distributed in five parts, one part or “clue” will be distributed each week for five weeks. As you work on each part, you can enjoy imagining and anticipating what might be next.

How do I participate?
Purchase access to the pattern through our Japan-based online shop once it becomes available.

Can I participate in the MKAL even if I didnt purchase a yarn set from amirisu?
Of course! Feel free to use yarn you have at home or buy some new special skiens from any local yarn shop. There’s no requirement to purchase yarn from amirisu to participate in the MKAL.

Can beginners knit this pattern?
We’re preparing video tutorials for important techniques, so even if you’re new to knitting, with a little gumption we think you can do it!

Please note that the pattern is a written pattern, not a Japanese-style schematic pattern.

What if I cant finish it on time
No problem! We hope everyone will enjoy knitting at their own pace, and that participants won’t stress about completing each clue or the entire project by a certain date

That said, since others will be knitting along, it can help keep up you motivated and serve as encouragement to keep making progress. You may be surprised by how fast you complete each clue, or even the entire shawl.

Once the MKAL period is over, participants will begin to post pictures of their completed projects on Instagram, Ravelry, or other SNS, so take care if you would prefer to avoid spoilers. 


【About yarn, colors, & yarn sets】

Do you have any suggestions for selecting colors
There is no right or wrong choice when picking colors, so feel free to pick colors you like.

Here are a few extra suggestions that may be helpful:

Select colors that contrast with each other for the MC (main color) and CC (contrast color). It does not have to be a strong contrast, that's up to you!

Limit speckled or highly variegated skeins to one of your colors. If both colors have speckles or lots of variegation it will be difficult to see the stitch patterns in certain sections.

Should the fiber content be the same for both colors
It will be easiest to work with yarns that are mostly made of wool. Yarns that have a mix of majority wool with a different fiber (alpaca, yak, cotton, etc.) would also be a good match.

Should the thickness or weight be the same for both yarns
It will be easiest to work with yarns that are basically the same thickness/ weight.

Combining different weights may change the finished dimensions of your shawl, so we recommend keeping the weights close. If you have some sport weight yarn that you really want to use, it might be fine to pair that with a fingering weight yarn.

Can mohair be used
It may be difficult to work certain clues with mohair yarn. If you want to use mohair, we suggest using it as an additional accent. We do not recommend using a mohair yarn for the MC or CC.

The amirisu yarn set I wanted has sold out. Will it be made available again?
It may be possible for us to restock some sets, but we cannot promise when or in what amount a certain set will be restocked. If you love a sold-out yarn set, we encourage you to use it as inspiration to go through your yarn at home or purchase individual skeins for a similar look.

Can I change the colors part way through
Of course! You can switch colors at any time, it could make for a very interesting and unique shawl, too. We love experimenting with color for shawl projects.

Can I ask for color advice at one of the Walnut Shops
We are happy to help you at our Tokyo or Kyoto shop. However, the design is a mystery for our shop staff, too, so they are not able to offer any hints or advice related to the final design.

What if I decide midway through that I dont like the colors Ive been using?
There are a few solutions we can recommend if you find you are unhappy with your color selection.

  1. You could unravel your shawl and start over with different colors. There’s nothing wrong with restarting any number of times to make sure you’re happy with the project.
  2. We understand that it is difficult to select colors without knowing the final design. If you feel strongly about selecting your perfect color combination, you could wait to start your shawl until the MKAL has finished and you can see the complete design. It’s not as exciting to start after you’ve seen the final design, but if you would like to know exactly how each color will be used, this might be a good option for you.
  3. You could add in lots of colors instead of using just the original two you picked. If you're fan of colorful designs like those by Stephen West, we recommend giving this option a try. Adding more colors can bring an unexpected kind of cohesion to the project and will ensure that your shawl is truly unique.


【About the 2024 Shawl】

What shape will it be
It will be a unique shape, so not a triangle or half-circle.

How long of a cord/ cable needle should be used
We recommend 32”/80 cm or longer.

Can straight knitting needles be used
No, this year straight needles cannot be used. We recommend using a circular needle with a flexible cord.

How concerned should I be about gauge for this project?
You don’t need to worry too much about gauge. However, if you only have exactly as much yarn as required in the pattern, you may run out of yarn if your gauge is too different from the sample.

If I think Ive found an error, what should I do
Please send us an email at info(@)
Please be sure to include your order number and full name in the message.

Is there some kind of penalty for not using the MKAL cover image on Instagram or Ravelry
There is no penalty, and our staff is not able to keep an eye on how all participants share their progress.

However, we appreciate it if participants can make an effort to prevent spoilers for other knitters during the MKAL period by using a cover image (like the provided MKAL image). If you are worried about seeing spoilers, we recommend taking care when viewing SNS, just in case.