August 19, 2021

Issue 8


Chart key in printed magazine is very hard to see, please download PDF version using download code that printed in first page of your copy.

Chart A
Row1 is cast on. Not bind off.
Chart E
End of row 56 is slip 2 sts. Not slip 3 sts.

The key of the chart published in the magazine is very difficult to see due to a printing error. The first page of the magazine has a number that allows you to download the PDF, so please download it from there and check the contents.

Chart A
The first row is CO, not BO.
Chart E
At the end of the 56th row, Sl3 instead of Sl2.

Left sleeve
Round 1 and 2: For size XS and M: Start with K2.
Right sleeve
Round 1 and 2: For size XS and M: Start with P2.
Just before Yoke,
Next row (RS): SM, work sts in the round as they appear to the 5th ----> 6th marker (M)
left sleeve
Laps 1 and 2: XS and M only, start with K2.
right sleeve
Laps 1 and 2: XS and M only, start at P2.
the step before the yoke enters,
Next row (RS): SM, up to 5th M in a loop ---> up to 6th M

Total 195 (205, 213 , 229, 249 , 271 ) sts.
Sizes M, XL and XXL only:
Row 3: Work in pattern to 2nd marker, SM, K1, M1L , work 1x1 Rib to 1 st before marker, M1R , K1, SM, work in pattern to end. 2 sts increased for back.
A total of 195 (205, 213 , 229, 249 , 271 ) eyes.
M, XL, XXL sizes only:
Row 3: Knit according to the pattern until the second M, SM, K1, M1L , 1 elastic knit until the 1st stitch before M, M1R , K1, SM, knit according to the pattern until the end. 2 more eyes on the back.

A typo was found in yoke after Round 21:
You now have M, 38 (38, 38, 46, 54, 62) sts, M, 6 sts, M, 66 (70, 74, 82, 94, 102) sts, M, 6 sts, M, 38 (38 , 38 , 46, 54, 62) sts……

There is a typo after yoke circumference 21.
M, 38 (38, 38, 46, 54, 62), M, 6, M, 66 (70, 74, 82, 94, 102), M, 6, M, 38 (38, 38 , 46, 54, 62), M, 6, M, 94 (98, 102, 110, 122, 130), M, 6.