[Varda] P.114 Last paragraph in left column Row 1 (RS): Work 17 sts in pattern, PM, ...
P. 113 2nd paragraph from the bottom left row 1 (RS): Knit 17 stitches according to the pattern, PM, …
[Cleo] P.101 Top left column Rnd3: *K4 , InvLLI; repeat …
P.99 Right lower circumference 3: * K4 , InvLLI; …
[Abbreviations & Pattern Notes] P. 82 Left side RLI (right lifted increase) Insert the needle behind the stitch one step below the left stitch and press K. LLI (left lifted increase) Put the left needle in the eye two steps below the right needle and lift it up to K. RLIP (RLPI) (right lifted increase purl)Insert the needle behind the eye one step below the left needle and P. LLIP (LLPI) (left lifted increase purl)Put the left needle in the eye two steps below the right needle and lift it up to P.
[Hawkins] P.123 Left Column Yarn (MC) Approximately 755 (805, 920, 1060, 1165) (1240, 1450, 1535, 1600) yards / 690 (740, 845, 970, 1065) ( 1135 , 1325, 1400, 1465) m
P. 122 left side Yarn (MC) Approx. 755 (805, 920, 1060, 1165) (1240, 1450, 1535, 1600) yards / 690 (740, 845, 970, 1065) ( 1135 , 1325, 1400, 1465) m
P.130 Sleeve Chart 2: 6th stitch from right at Row 9 --> K Sleeve Chart 1: 3rd stitch from right at Row 9 --> K
P.129 Sleeve Chart 2:6th squarefrom the right on the 9th row is K Sleeve chart 1: 3rd square from the right on the 9th row is K