August 08, 2015

Announcement of shawl exhibition

The Sock Summit was held earlier this year and was very well received. We borrowed a lot of socks from everyone, and we were able to display a lot of them, from rare ones to standard ones.

This time, we will hold an exhibition of shawls as an after-event for the shawl club that we recruited the other day. More than 30 items, from those knitted by Tokuko and Meri to those borrowed from everyone, will be shared.
I don't think there is a chance to see so many at once. Please come and visit us.

And we will also have new products of lace and fingering in conjunction with this. It is a wonderful product that has not yet arrived in Japan. Priority will be given to the supporters club, but after that, it will be sold at this exhibition.

Please look forward to it!