January 11, 2025
Lori's Notebook - Cottage Linens

I had purchased a dozen cotton dish towels for my kitchen with the idea to embroider on them, like my grandmother did when I was a child. Then I remembered how slow of an embroiderer I am and stenciling seemed a better idea. I found a few ready made stencils and plan to use different elements from them all.
Gather supplies :
- Cotton or linen dish towels
- Fabric paints (I used Tulip Paints in Orange and Leaf Green.)
- Painters tape
- Stencils (This is the fun part, choosing ready made or designing your own!)
- Foam brushes. (I also tried old unused makeup sponges.)
- Cardboard the size of your towel
How to make it
- Prewash towels and press with a hot iron, this will assure a flat surface for painting.
- Painting.
Place the cardboard on the table. Place the towel on the cardboard. Arrange the stencil desired arrangement, then tape the stencil to the towel. Working with one color at a time, move the stencil around the towel carefully filling in the first color. Be sure to tape off any part of the stencil you do not want color on yet. In making my towel I first colored in all the flowers with orange. Then added green for the leaves.
Let the paint dry before beginning the second color. If needed a little touch up works well with a fine brush.
It’s recommended by the paint company to wait 72 hours before washing.
Enjoy making! 🎨