Scallops and Blooms by Dianna Walla

Today we're talking with designer Dianna Walla, whose work we just can't get enough of! In fact we've had the honor of featuring her designs in each of the last 3 issues. For Issue 24, she created a shawl that incorporates both crochet and embroidery, the combination makes for an understated yet retro look that goes with everything.
amirisu: What challenges did you encounter during the design process?
Dianna: I stretched my skills as a designer with this design. I've done a pattern that combines knitting and crochet before, but it's always slightly more challenging to combine different crafts in a single pattern. This one combines knitting, crochet, and embroidery, but I kept the techniques for each relatively simple. My hope is that it's more approachable that way if one of the crafts is new to you!
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Dianna: When a design uses a light color and a dark color, I'm always curious to see the inverse of the original design. Since the pattern sample is a light color with dark accents, I'd love a version in a dark color with light accents – even the same deep green and oatmeal colors as the original would look and feel very different with the placement reversed!
amirisu: Tell us a little bit about a favorite place of yours in the town or area you grew up in or where you live now.
Dianna: There's a trail in Trondheim called Ladestien that runs along the fjord for several kilometers, and it is always one of my favorite places to be. It's very accessible from the neighborhoods that border it, so it's a great way to connect with nature without having to leave the city. The flora changes with the seasons throughout the year, but one of my favorite moments is springtime when the white wood anemone on the forest floor finally blooms – that's how you know spring has finally arrived. The views of the water are beautiful, and there are also several little cafes along the route, which are great spots to stop and have a treat when the weather is nice.
amirisu: What is one handicraft or traditional art or skill (other than knitting) from your country or region that you like or have an interest in?
Dianna: I live in Norway, and while I'm not originally from here, I'm very interested in many of the textile traditions here. Lately I've been reading about some of the weaving traditions, particularly tapestry weaving as an art form and the female artists and weavers who make up the Norwegian canon. I think it's an interesting means of creative expression, and a lot of it was (and still is) overtly political as well. Hannah Ryggen and Frida Hansen are good artists to check out if you're curious about Norwegian tapestry weaving.
Thank you, Dianna!