June 01, 2016

Bookish. - Issue 10

Bookish by amirisu


Olga Buraya-Kefelian for Brooklyn Tweed

Softcover, 128 pages. $30.00

Bookish by amirisu

Olga's second printed book came out from Brooklyn Tweed last winter. It is a beautifully designed book that reflects both Olga's modern look and Brooklyn Tweed's  classic style.

I had been hearing about the book from Olga for a few years, and listened to her worries that the patterns may look outdated. Her worries were needless. All eight patterns in this book are timeless yet current, and I believe they work for all age groups. 

While the Jujika cowl (top right photo) is my absolute favorite, with infinite color possibilities, patterns like the Cusp poncho (on the cover), Tatara mitts and Apex cardigan have enough interesting features to keep knitters entertained throughout the projects.

It amazes me how the designer highlighted the potential of the brand's two yarns. Light-weight, woolen-spun Shelter can create a three dimensional effect when knit in a tight gauge.  This detail is used effectively in patterns such as Nobu and Tatara. Loft is even lighter yet holds up well, making Apex wearable without stretching like crazy.  I know Olga, and I know that she makes these choices intentionally.

Beautifully photographed by Jared Flood, this book is sure to become a treasure in your library.