September 23, 2014

Light knitting comfort! HiyaHiya Knitting Needles

Introducing the tools today.
WALNUT and online shop sell knitting needles from a manufacturer called HiyaHiya. We have been using knitting needles from various manufacturers, but this needle gave us a new impression. light!

It all started when overseas designers who liked and used HiyaHiya recommended it to us when we started a shop. I was skeptical about what could be so different, but decided to give it a try.

When I used it, there were many good points. First of all, since it's made of metal, the tip is nicely sharp, but of course it won't break. However, there is no strange metallic smell. As it is made of stainless steel and is hollow, it is light. Soft code!
The higher the needle number, the lighter the needle. Once you use it, you can't go back to it.

Magic loops with 80cm circular needles are also recommended, but this set of short needles is perfect for knitting socks! It's easy to knit, so it's popular in shops.

Then a circular needle set. As a metal needle set, it is very affordable. Thicknesses range from US2 (2.75mm) to US8 (5mm), which is sufficient in most cases. I am very happy that US2 is included.

You can purchase from the tools section of the amirisu online shop. Please try it once.