This is the second interview with Susanne and this time we talk about Wave Breaker, a beautiful brioche stitch shawl knit in amirisu Parade. No matter what two colors you choose, you are going to get a sophisticated and stylish shawl.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Susanne: The inspiration for Wave Breaker was the stitch pattern itself. There are endless variations to Brioche stitch, and one them that creates very graphic stripes isStockinette Brioche. The crisp stripes in blue and white instantly created a nautical association. Breaking the lines with diagonal stripes added not only visual interest, but adds variety when knitting. The name was then inspired by the design, as the diagonal lines seam to break to flow of the Brioche.
amirisu: What, if any, challenges did you encounter during the design process?
Susanne:This design initially just flew off my needles. It worked on the first try just like I pictured it. It took a little longer to fine-tune the pattern repeats, so the shawl makes the most of the yardage of the beautiful Parade yarn.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Susanne: I would love to knit this with either Sienna and Putrajaya (rusty red and powder pink) or Paris and Kyoto (white and dark gray). It would look great with a high contrast, but a fun color combination would be amazing too. I can never decide between graphic neutrals and colours, so I usually make more than one of each design.