Issue 12
Update on sleeves for size S:
Size XS, S, M, L only
Row9: K21(23, 24, 27), PM, Work Chart A(A, A, C) beginning on chart row 21 (17, 13, 37).
Size XS, S, M, L only
Row 65 (67, 73, 65) (RS): Work Chart A (A, A, C) starting at chart row 31 (29, 31, 39) and chart stitch 5 (3, 5, 7) continue on second Chart A (A, A, C).
Update in Front body for XL only:
Row 9 (RS): K 4 (4, 5, 8, 0), PM, *Work Chart A (A, A, C, C) from chart row 7 (1, 39, 9, 9); repeat from * 2 (2, 2, 2, 3) more times, (Note for size XL: Work only through chart stitch 29 on last repeat), PM, K 4 (3, 3, 3, 0).
袖 Sサイズのみ修正
XS, S, M, L サイズのみ
段9: K21(23, 24, 27), PM, チャートA(A, A, C)の段21(17, 13, 37) を編む.
XS, S, M, L サイズのみ
段65(67, 73, 65)(RS):チャートA(A, A, C)の段31(29, 31, 39) の 5 (3, 5, 7) 目から編み始める, チャート A (A, A, C) の2回目を編む.
前身頃 XLサイズのみ修正
段9(RS):K4(4,5,8,0),PM,*チャートA(A,A,C,C)の段7 (1, 39, 9, 9)を編む; *からをさらに2 (2, 2, 2, 3)回繰り返す, (Note: XL サイズのみ : 最後の繰り返しのみチャートCの29 目まで編む),PM,K4(3, 3, 3, 0).
Update in Yoke short row:
Left shoulder
Short Row 1: DS,K to M,BYO,SM,K to M,SM,YO, K to 2 sts after the last DS, TW. 2 sts increased.
Short Row 2: DS, P to M, YO, SM, P to M, SM, BYO, P to 1 st after the last DS, TW. 2 sts increased.Right shoulder
Short Row 1: DS,K to M,BYO,SM,K to M,SM,YO,K to 1 st after the last DS, TW. 2 sts increased.
Short Row 2: DS, P to M, YO, SM, P to M, SM, BYO, P to 2 sts after the last DS, TW. 2 sts increased.Both shoulders
Short Row 3: DS, K to M, BYO, SM, K to M, SM, YO, K to 1 st after the last DS, TW. 2 sts increased.
Short Row 4: DS, P to M, YO, SM, P to M, SM, BYO, P to M, RM, P to M, YO, SM, P to M, SM, BYO, P to 1 st after the last DS, TW.Sleeve cap increases
Short Row 1 (RS): DS,*K to M,SM,YO,K to M,BYO,SM; repeat from * once. K to 1 st after the last DS, TW. 4 sts increased.
Short Row 2 (WS): DS, *P to M, SM, BYO, P to M, YO, SM; repeat from * once. P to 1 st after the last DS, TW. 4 sts increased.Sleeve increases
Short Row 1: DS,*K to M,SM,YO,K to M,BYO,SM; repeat from * once. K to 2 sts after the last DS, TW. 4 sts increased.
Short Row 2: DS, P to 2 sts after the last DS, TW.Sleeve and body increases
Rnd1:*K to 1st before M, BYO, K1, SM, YO, K to M, BYO, SM, K1, YO; repeat from * once. K to BORM. 8 sts increased.
Bust short rows
Set-up Short Row (RS): *K to 1 st before M, BYO, K1, SM, YO, K to M, BYO, SM, K1, YO; repeat from * once.
Short Row 1: DS, *K to 1st before M, BYO, K1, SM, YO, K to M, BYO, SM, K1, YO; repeat from * once.
Sizes XS, S and M only
ShortRow 3: DS, *K to 1 st before M, BYO, K1, SM, K to M, SM, K1, YO; repeat from * once.
L, XL and XXL, 3XL, 4XL only
Short Row 3: DS, *K to 1st before M, BYO, K1, SM, YO, K to M, BYO, SM, K1, YO; repeat from * once.
引返し編み段 1: DS, M まで K, BYO, SM, M まで K, SM, YO, 最後のDSの2目後までK,TW.2目増目.
引返し編み段 2: DS, M まで P, YO, SM, M まで P, SM, BYO, 最後のDSの1目後までP,TW.2目増目.右肩
引返し編み段 1: DS, M まで K, BYO, SM, M まで K, SM, YO, 最後のDSの1目後までK,TW.2目増目.
引返し編み段 2: DS, M まで P, YO, SM, M まで P, SM, BYO, 最後のDSの2目後までP,TW.2目増目.両肩
引返し編み段 3: DS, M まで K, BYO, SM, M まで K, SM, YO, 最後のDSの1目後までK,TW.2目増目.
引返し編み段 4: DS, M まで P, YO, SM, M まで P, SM, BYO, M まで P, RM, M まで P, YO, SM, M まで P, SM, BYO, 最後 のDSの1目後までP,TW.袖山の増目
引 返 し 編 み 段 1 (RS): DS, *M ま で K, SM, YO, M ま で K, BYO,SM;*以降をもう1回繰り返す.最後のDSの1目後までK,TW.4目増目.
引返し編み段2(WS):DS,*MまでP,SM,BYO,MまでP, YO, SM; * 以降をもう1回繰り返す. 最後のDSの1目後までP,TW.4目増目.袖の増目
引返し編み段 1: DS, *M まで K, SM, YO, M まで K, BYO, SM; *以降をもう1回繰り返す. 最後のDSの2目後までK, TW.4目増目.
周1: *Mの1目前までK, BYO, K1, SM, YO, MまでK, BYO, SM, K1, YO; * 以降をもう 1 回繰り返す . BORM まで K. 8 目増目.
引返し編みセットアップ段 (RS): *M の 1 目前まで K, BYO, K1, SM, YO, M まで K, BYO, SM, K1, YO; * 以降をもう 1 回繰り返す.
引返し編み段 1: DS, *M の 1 目前まで K, BYO, K1, SM, YO, M まで K, BYO, SM, K1, YO; * 以降をもう 1 回繰り返す.
XS, S, M サイズのみ
引返し編み段 3: DS, * M の 1 目前まで K, BYO, K1, SM, M までK, SM, K1, YO; *以降をもう1回繰り返す.
L, XL と XXL, 3XL, 4XL サイズのみ
引返し編み段 3: DS, * M の 1 目前まで K, BYO, K1, SM, YO, M まで K, BYO, SM, K1,YO; * 以降をもう 1 回繰り返す .