June 01, 2023

Zweig by Caitlin Hunter

HAVE YOU KNIT THESE? <br>Zweig by Caitlin Hunter

“I wanted to make a design that could use just one skein of a special indie-dyed yarn paired with a simpler yarn, as I know many people purchase one skein of a beautiful yarn and don’t know what to do with it. I wanted to design something other than just a hat or small shawl with these special skeins, when I thought of using lace in the yoke paired with simple, graphic color work to border it with as at the time that wasn’t something I’d seen done before.

I made a sketch and knitted exactly as I’d planned - this doesn’t usually happen, but because I had a specific plan for the yarn used for Zweig, my initial sketch ended up being exactly what I wanted. 

It is so amazing and such an honor to see knitters make my designs! The idea that I might be able to create something that people love and enjoy making is the greatest honor I can imagine. My favorite design is probably Koivua, although it is usually whatever new thing I am working on. 

I am so grateful to be able to do work that makes people happy. I want to thank all of the wonderful knitters for the time and talent they put into their work. They inspire me to create beautiful designs and I hope I can continue to share in this endeavor together! Thank you!”

Photo courtesy of Caitlin Hunter.