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[Satsuki]P.110 Fifth paragraph in right columnRow 7 (RS): ..... CO 24 (24, 24, 24, 26) (26, 26, ...
P.109 前身頃右肩 右側4段落目段7 (RS): ..... CO 24 (24, 24, 24, 26) (26, 26, ...
[Michèle]P.107 SleevesUsing smaller needle with MC and Mohair ...
[Fosse] P.92 後ろ身頃 左側最初の段落目の入れ替え段(RS): *K1, 1/1 RT, P1; ...
[Kitchen Stories]P. 88 YarnMC: Turquoise, 4 (5, 5, 5) (6, 6, 7)カセ
[Varda]P. 114 Last paragraph in left columnRow 1 (RS): Work 17 sts in pattern, PM, ...
P. 113 左側下から2段落目段1(RS): パターン通りに17目編む, PM, …
[Cléo]P.101 Top left columnRnd 3: * K4, InvLLI; repeat …
P.99 右側下周3: *K4, InvLLI; …
[Abbreviations & Pattern Notes]P. 82 左側RLI (right lifted increase) 左針の次の目の1段下の目の後ろ側に針を入れてK. LLI (left lifted increase) 右針の2段下の目に左針を入れて引き上げてK.RLIP (RLPI) (right lifted increase purl) 左針の次の目の1段下の目の後ろ側に針を入れてP.LLIP (LLPI) (left lifted increase purl) 右針の2段下の目に左針を入れて引き上げてP.
[Hawkins]P. 123 Left ColumnYarn(MC) Approximately 755 (805, 920, 1060, 1165) (1240, 1450, 1535, 1600) yards / 690 (740, 845, 970, 1065) (1135, 1325, 1400, 1465) m
P. 122 左側Yarn(MC) 約 755 (805, 920, 1060, 1165) (1240, 1450, 1535, 1600) yards / 690 (740, 845, 970, 1065) (1135, 1325, 1400, 1465) m
P. 130Sleeve Chart 2: 6th stitch from right at Row 9 --> KSleeve Chart 1: 3rd stitch from right at Row 9 --> K