Left Front and Right Front Shape armhole Repeat last 2 rows 8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12) more times, removing marker once slipped st is consumed by decrease.Back Shape armhole Repeat last 2 rows 8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12) more times.左前身頃と右前身頃 袖ぐりの減目 最後の2段をさらに8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12)回編む. 減目がマーカー位置に来たら, RM.後ろ身頃 袖ぐりの減目 最後の2段をさらに8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12)回編む.
[Nemeton] 1. Missing some of chart keys in Abbreviations page. BC: back cross. Place the next st onto a cable needle , hold at back of work, K2, then K1 from the cable needle. FC: front cross. Place the next 2 sts onto a cable needle, hold at front of work, K1, then K2 from the cable needle. T2F: twist 2 front. Place the next st onto a cable needle, hold at front of work, P1, then K1 from the cable needle. T2B: twist 2 back. Place the next st onto a cable needle, hold at back of work, K1, then P1 from the cable needle. C4F: cable 4 front. Place the next 2 st onto a cable needle, hold at front of work, K2 from the left needle, K2 from the cable needle. C4B: cable 4 back. Place the next 2 st onto a cable needle, hold at back of work, K2 from the left needle, K2 from the cable needle.
2. Note in Garter section: Bold fount should be S2kp on Row 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 165. P1 on Row 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
3. Chats Row 38, 8th stitch from the left and Row 98, 7th stitch from the right. Work RS-K instead of WS-P. Row 110, 3rd stitch from the right. Work RS-K. Row 110, 5th stitch from the right. Work RS-P. See the new chart after row 147. (Old version had one extra stitch right next to spine.)
There are typos as Newnan, but Newman is the correct name for this pattern. In Schematic, arrows on sleeves were pointed wrong way. This sweater is worked Left sleeve to Right sleeve.
P.72 second paragraph in right column After those repeats, moving forward to chart II, work row 1 to 102. Read as: After those repeats, maintaining Chart A & C as established, moving forward to chart II, work chart II -1, chart II -2, then Row 1-21 onto Row 1-12 of chart II - 3.
P.72 Hem in right column XS to 3XL: Row 1 (RS Row 103 of chart II) Read as: Row 1 (RS, Row 13 after the last increase of chart II-3)
Last sentence Repeat last 2 rows 4 more times. Ending with Row 114 of chart II. Read as: Repeat last 2 rows 4 more times, ending with Row 24 after the last increase of chart II-3.