January 15, 2020

How to Start a Slow Business 10 – No Parental Leave for Business Owners

I've written 10 blogs so far recommending starting your own business, but of course, making money on your own is not an easy task. Everything comes back to me, not only the reward, but also the voice of scolding and all the troubles. I have been going from company employee to entrepreneur to company employee to amirisu.

If you become a business owner, you will not be eligible for unemployment insurance. There is no unemployment benefits even if you lose your job or close your company. (Though I never received unemployment benefits when I was employed for more than 10 years.) What happens when you don't get unemployment insurance is that you don't get maternity leave. Only the minimum period of time stipulated by law.

I can't help but feel that the law doesn't assume that women run companies at all. Since it is your own company, you may think that you can use the money as you please, but it is surprisingly difficult to pay compensation to managers and directors, and temporary bonuses are not paid arbitrarily. If you take time off during your maternity leave, you will not be able to receive your salary. Well, above all, I can't rest because my work won't wait.

There are many people around me who have gotten married, given birth, and raised children after starting a business, but they are all having a hard time. Hiring a babysitter or having your spouse help is really essential. But it's possible! If any of you reading this are wondering, please take the plunge. It is best to start a business when you have physical strength and are motivated. Although it is a minority, there are people in the world who give birth and raise children while doing the job of president. It's also wonderful.

I have a friend whose goal is to raise a child like this. When we met for the first time and dined in Aoyama, she brought her nine-year-old son. While we chatted, I was honestly surprised to see him reading his favorite book next to him and resting his head on his mother's lap when he got sleepy. But that's how he grew up, always looking at the profile of his mother who was doing business, listening to her conversations. At home, of course, family time and homemade meals are also important. But instead of leaving my child and going to dinner, I take him with me. I was impressed by their determination.

I am working hard on amirisu with great hope that if the number of such energetic women increases, the world will change in a society and legal system where women are not supposed to start and run businesses.