Through the Lens - 30

It's a good habit to think about your resolutions at the beginning of the year. Once a year, look back at yourself and think about it as though you were planting a virtual flag on your mental map. So, what kind of year will this year be?
I picture in my mind a bright flag fluttering proudly in the distance and gently run towards it.
Throughout the year, I look up at the flag from time to time and remember where I'm heading. When I think of resolutions, I don't really think about specific goals or tasks. It's more of a general attitude, behavior, and enthusiasm. That's what feels right. Once I see how to tackle it, the rest is up to me.
I pulled out my resolutions from last year.
"Do something scary once a day," I wrote breathing heavily. I wonder if I'd kept up with trying scary things in 2024.
By scary things, I don't mean things like testing your courage or putting yourself in danger. It's something more personal and spiritual. It’s the unknown things or things that feel troublesome.
There were definitely times when my inner-self stoic spoke to me saying, "Even if you don't know if you can do it, just try." "You've decided to do something scary once a day, haven't you?" said my idealistic and strict self while looking at me, lazing around, with a smile. That smile scared me. And there were many times when I gave it my all.
I want to continue doing that this year.
So, for this year’s resolution, I chose this: "Get out of your comfort zone." It's like a continuation of my resolution for 2024. Instead of spending all my time in warm and safe waters, I'll try to get out into somewhere cold.
"I don't know what to do."
"I'm not sure if it will work out."
"Am I okay?"
I don't have these kinds of thoughts as often anymore. You could say that I've gained experience in various areas, but I know better than anyone that there's more to it than that. To put it simply, I haven't been adventurous enough. I need to jump into an unknown world, into a community where I don't speak the same language or have understand the culture, and struggle through the journey. There is bound to be something to gain from that.
The mind is like the muscles of the body; if you let your it wander, it will become weaker and weaker. I can’t let that happen. I need to slowly step out of my comfort zone and try something a little scary. That's what I set out to do this year.
As for my knitting, I want to try more complicated patterns, not just stockinette stitch. That in itself will be enough stepping out of my comfort zone.
Yes, that will be enough.
I look forward to seeing how I feel at the end of the year and what kind of sweater I've finished knitting.