Lori's Notebook - Paper Blossoms

This summer was my first experience gardening in Idaho.
I’ve found I have a lot to learn. There was a bit of success with vegetables, but flowers proved to be a challenge!
When looking for fresh flowers in our small town, to buy for a dinner party, there weren’t any to be found…
Paper Blossoms worked! They were simple to make with readily available materials.
Coffee filters
Paper cupcake liners
Wooden skewers
Hot glue gun
* Fold the coffee filters and cut the edges into petal shapes. Lightly Dampen the filters before applying the color. This helps the paint to “bleed” giving the flowers a more realistic appearance. (An empty spray bottle would have helped, but I didn’t have one. )
* After the painting is complete, carefully open the damp folded flower and lay it on a cloth towel or paper towel to dry.
* Make several cuts into the cupcake liner to give it a fringe effect.
* poke a hole in the center of the flower with the skewer pushing it down approximately a half inch, then using the glue gun, glue the flower to the skewer. Do the same with the cupcake liner, nestling the two parts together.
Assemble in a vessel of your choice and enjoy!