amirisu lace shawl KAL 2022

Speaking of summer knitting, lace shawl! Race shawl KAL will be held!
Let's all get through the hot summer by knitting cool lace!

Saturday, July 9th to Wednesday, August 31st

▽Target ``You think'' lace shawl

A shawl knitted with lace thread, a shawl knitted with thick thread but with a lace pattern, and a lacy shawl.
Anything goes! It is okay to participate in other KALs at the same time.

▽ How to participate
Please add the #amirisu lace shawl KAL tag on Instagram and post your progress and finished work.
When posting the finished work, please
Please tag #amirisu lace shawl KAL_FO as well.

▽Premium ・amirisu Flow Handdyed for 2 people ・Amirisu original sticker and tag set for 5 people We will present a lottery gift from those who complete the work and post it with the #amirisu lace shawl KAL_FO tag. .
In addition, Meri's treasured thread may also appear!

▽ Kit purchase benefits We will send benefits to those who purchase a kit that is eligible.
(You can participate in KAL without purchasing a kit, so please join us.)

[amirisu lace shawl KAL kit purchase privilege]
・How to block (Excerpt from Scholl's book)
・ Tokuko commentary, video tips on how to knit a lace shawl

Tokuko knits Lunna Voe!
Please feel free to join us with your favorite shawl.