I want to knit a Stephen West shawl!

Many people must have been captivated by him and his designs at the Stephen West WS in May. What can I say, I am one of them. A little too quirky? When I tried wrapping the shawl I thought, it was really wonderful because it blended in with any kind of wear.
Color matching is also rich in variations, from casual colors such as gradation to bright impressions such as layering clear colors one after another. You will surely find one that you like.
There were many shawls I wanted to knit, but the Exploration Station , which Stephen said was his favourite, was particularly attractive. Choosing colors is fun. Of course, it would be nice to choose 4 or 5 colors from the skeins lined up in the store. But how about finding a friend for the yarn that you bought because it was too cute but just looking at it? I'm sure that every time you wind a shawl, you'll remember the excitement you felt when you first picked up that thread.
Walnut stores are currently holding a hand-dyed yarn fair . When I go to work every day, I wonder if this is good, and this is also good.