I want to knit socks!

happy new year.
How are you spending your new year? At the end of the year, I was busy with cleaning and making New Year's holidays, but since the New Year, I've been enjoying knitting leisurely.
When I think about what to knit in the beginning of 2021, all I can think of is socks for some reason. It used to take me months to finish knitting a pair, but now I'm completely hooked. It's also attractive to be able to do one lap while you're doing household chores, or one lap while you're waiting for something, and it's cute no matter what color you knit it in, so you can go on adventures with colors you wouldn't normally use for clothing.
Well, I started knitting these DRK Everyday Socks by Andrea Mowry.
It's a simple rib knit, but it comes in many sizes, from babies to men.
Next, I want to knit Derako's Page Socks , which have lovely patterns!
Every day I have fun daydreaming about which thread to knit with.
And what I like to knit with the yarn from my advent calendar and leftover yarn from other socks is Megan Nodecker's Sprocket Socks .
The slightly different stripes are cute.
There are many things I want to knit this year, and my excitement and dreams are spreading.
I would like to have fun knitting with you all in 2021, so I look forward to working with you.