November 08, 2022

Lori's Notebook -Braided Rug

Lori's Notebook - Braided Rug

Photos and Texts by Lori Ann Rushfeldt

am hand sewing a braided rug. This project is much like knitting in that it takes only a few things to make, and the best part is it’s portable and can be stitched on most anywhere!


~  A large safety pin
~ Assorted fabrics (I like cotton & try to choose similar weight ~ although it’s not required)
~ Upholstery thread
~ A sharp needle
~ Scissors
~ Wonder clips
~ And a place to braid…I’ve used a basket & it also holds fabric too.


Cut strips of fabric approximately 1-2 inches in width (I’ve cut one and a half inches for this rug, but any size will work, the braid will be thicker or thinner depending) + about 12 - 18 inches in length. 

Take 3 strips, holding them together at the top and with your safety pin, attach to a secure place. 

Begin to braid. How tight a braid is up to you. Sewing will be a little easier if the braid is not too tight. 

When a strip of fabric is about to run out, add another by layering one strip over the other, about 1 inch or so. Holding both pieces snugly, the strips will curl into each other as the braid is formed. 

When you’ve made a pile of braid, start sewing! Using a whip stitch, join edge to edge. 

I work on a table or a flat surface for a few rounds, to keep the rug from curling.