Kuusi by Karen Miller of Mrs Moon

Featured in amirisu Issue 26, published in 2023.
For today's post we interviewed Karen Miller, the designer of Kuusi from Issue 26 and the owner of British yarn brand Mrs. Moon. Kuusi is a fresh vest worked in an all-over lace pattern with a chunkier yarn for lots of texture and a project that grows at a pleasantly quick pace.
Let's get started!
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Karen: I wanted to create something with lots of texture. When I think of Finland, rightly or wrongly, I think of trees. I chose a lace pattern for texture and used different sizes of needles for the shaping. This makes the panels get smaller like the branches at the top of a tree. The same shape as what is below, but a miniature version. I decided on an open back to give extra floatiness.
amirisu: What, if any, challenges did you encounter during the design process?Karen: Well, the worst part of any design process for me is always the sizing and it was no different for this one.... The maths of knitting is an amazing thing, but also a tiny bit frustrating! I may have lost my cool a few times.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Karen: I think a blue. Nothing too dark though as you need a lighter shade to appreciate the texture. I think I'd go for a lovely denim colour like Jam Tart of Plump DK
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Karen: My mum is supremely talented in all needle arts. When we were little she had a shop mainly selling fabrics but also a little wool and she started us out on knitting very quickly. She didn't bother starting small, we went straight into jumpers. She always did the casting on, so I could do all sorts of fancy stitches, but never had a clue how to start off! I also had quite a short attention span - I'm not sure I finished anything until I was in my 20s.
amirisu: How do you like to spend time in the summer? What do you like to knit or make in warmer months?
Karen: Much of the summer is always spent camping with my now grown up family. We have a big bell tent and spend a lot of time in the New Forest in the UK and also travelling around France. This year we are aiming for the Alps. This is my time to come up with inspiration for new designs... sitting in front of a tent, looking at a beautiful view!
I'm much better at winter knitting than summer. I love bulky knits because I'm just incredibly impatient. Mid summer I usually get some inspiration for chunky winter knits and will desperately try to get them all finished in time for the new season. Before every holiday I always have a panic about what wool to take and how much. Needless to say, I always take too much. At least it's easy to squish into a suitcase
Thank you, Karen!