November 10, 2017
YouTube Live
08:47 Meri: Unfortunately my teeth hurt again this morning
08:48 Tokuko: Didn't you take medicine?
08:48 Meri: I had breakfast and took my medicine. vague pain.
08:49 Tokuko: I'm going to the dentist today, so I'll have to do my best until then.
08:51 Meri: I'll do my best. YouTube can be painful
08:51 Tokuko: Yes. It's YouTube Live today. Let's talk about it.
08:52 Meri: Yes! That's what I do lazily.
08:52 Tokuko: Thanks to the talented director, things are going smoothly these days.
08:53 Tokuko: I'm doing it without a meeting. Amazing when you think about it.
08:53 Meri: By the time I get to work, there's a lot of things on the table, so I'll just introduce them one by one.
08:53 Meri: Sure. But without a meeting, may be oozing out from the end
08:54 Tokuko: It's already leaking instead of bleeding!
08:54 Meri: Is that okay?
08:55 Tokuko: I'm sure it feels good around here.
08:55 Meri: It's full of realism
08:56 Meri: You've been doing it for about three years now
08:56 Tokuko: That's right. It's been going on for quite some time.
08:57 Tokuko: Sounds like a perfect companion for knitting. Quite a lot of people are looking forward to it.
08:58 Meri: Occasionally, customers who meet for the first time say, "I'm always watching!" Only when I say that, I'll wander around the store without makeup.
08:58 Meri: I'm sorry
09:00 Meri: What are you looking for today?
09:00 Tokuko: We've got a few new arrivals, and some yarn that we haven't introduced at the live yet.
09:01 Meri: Stay tuned!