April 08, 2022

Knitting for Beginners! 4 ~Needles~

Knitting for Beginners! 4 〜針について〜

Knitting for Beginners!
Sorry it's been a while since my last post. The fourth is about needles.

Youtube is here!

We are still accepting questions from beginners through this form .

Gauge was important in knitting. Once you have decided on a knitting pattern and selected a thread, you must select the appropriate needles to produce the specified gauge.

In Japan, the size of needles is expressed in numbers, with diameter 2.1mm = No. 0, 2.4mm = No. 1, 2.7mm = No. 2, etc. The bigger the needle, the higher the number.
However, needle size notation varies from country to country. Most of the needles handled by amirisu are US size. This also becomes thicker as the number increases from US1, US2, and US3, but it does not match the number of issues in Japan. When choosing needles, be sure to check the diameter in mm before buying.

Well, first, let's take a gauge using the specified needle written on the pattern.


Question 1: What should I do if the gauge does not come out with the specified needle?

Adjust by increasing or decreasing the needle size. As long as the gauge is correct, there is no problem in knitting with needles other than those specified.
It is not recommended to force the gauge to match by making the hand looser or tighter, or by adjusting the hand. This is because even if you can knit it with ease at that time, it will be difficult to continue doing it for tens of thousands of stitches.
Adjust the needles so that the gauge can be obtained in a relaxed, normal knitting style without excessive manipulation.


Question 2: Please tell me the characteristics of needles and circular needles.

(From left: ball needle, short needle, circular needle)

When most people think of knitting, the first thing that comes to mind is a double needle with a ball. A stopper ball is attached to one end to prevent the knitted fabric from falling. Suitable for flat knitting.

Flat knitting is a method of knitting from right to left and left to right while turning the knitted fabric at each row.

On the other hand, circular knitting is a method in which the knitted fabric is made into a tubular shape and knitted while looking only at the front side. Since you can always look at the front side when knitting, this knitting method is suitable for color work such as fair isle.
A circular needle is a needle with two needles connected by a cord. As the name suggests, it is suitable for circular knitting. Cords are 40cm, 60cm, 80cm, 100cm, etc. Choose the appropriate length according to the size of the work you want to knit.
In general, use circular needles with cords shorter than the circumference of the fabric you want to create.

Short needles with pointed ends and no beads are used in sets of 4 or more and are mainly used for circular knitting small items such as socks and mittens.


Question 3: Which needle should I buy for a beginner?

A circular needle is recommended. The reason is that it can be used not only for circular knitting but also for flat knitting. Double win!

Other advantages of using circular needles are that the cord is light and easy to carry, it is easy to knit wide items such as shawls, the knitted fabric does not fall off, and it is similar to knitting with four needles. Don't clatter your hands.

It should reduce the chance of hitting the needle on the person next to you while knitting in a tight space.

If you want to continue knitting, I recommend buying a replacement circular needle . The needle tip and cable are detachable, so you can attach the cable of the desired length to the needle you want to use. With this, you don't need to buy many circular needles according to the length of the cord.

Also, when knitting various things at the same time, you don't have to buy additional needles. We have prepared a separate video about the Hiyahiya circular needles sold at amirisu, so please check it out here .


Question 4: What is Magic Loop?

A method of knitting small items using circular needles with cords longer than the circumference of the knitted fabric. Generally, I use the thing more than 60cm.

This picture shows me knitting socks, but the cord is much longer than the circumference I want to knit.

Divide the fabric roughly in half and thread each half onto the needle.

Pull out the needle on the far side to the right and align the needle tip.

Continue knitting the knitted fabric in front from right to left.

After knitting the front knitted fabric to the end, turn the knitted fabric over.

Pull the cord to transfer the other knitted fabric to the needle and knit in the same way.

It is convenient because you can knit anything as long as you have long circular needles.
It's a little troublesome to pull the cord every time, but it shouldn't be a problem once you get used to it.

If you always divide the knitted fabric in half at the same point, grooves are likely to form at the boundary.
As you can see in this photo, it doesn't matter where you pull the cord from, so it's a good idea to periodically change the position of the halves.

Question 5: Which do you recommend, bamboo or stainless steel?

Bamboo is a material that is often used for needles because the thread does not slip easily and it is flexible, light, and durable. Bamboo needles are recommended for people with loose hands.

Stainless steel is stronger than bamboo. It varies depending on the manufacturer and product, but the feature is that the thread slides relatively well. Recommended for people with tight hands or when knitting mohair.

Is metal heavy? Some people may think that, but the Hiyahiya stainless steel needles sold by amirisu are hollow inside and very light.

The needle tip of bamboo can be split, and if you step on it, it will break. However, knitting needles are consumables. If stainless steel is thin, it will bend and the connection with the cord will be weak. Let's buy a new one at that time.


Question 6: What should I do when the tip of the replacement circular needle comes loose?

Hiyahiya circular needles come with an attached rubber. You can tighten it by using rubber.

If you don't like rubber, use a cable key. If you don't have a cable key, you can use a T-pin instead. Insert it into the hole at the base of the needle and turn it. It can be tightened and loosened by the principle of leverage.

If a needle comes off while knitting, the eye will drop and it will be miserable. Make sure it is tight.


Question 7: I have a habit of pressing the tip of the needle with my finger, and it hurts. Is there any workaround?

Normally, the knitted fabric can be smoothly removed from the needle without pressing the needle tip with a finger, but some people find it difficult to remove the stitch without pressing it with a finger.

Therefore, if possible, change the knitting method. Alternatively, use a needle that is not very sharp. I think these are the two options. Hiyahiya has Sharp, which has a very sharp needle tip, and Normal, which has a sufficiently sharp needle tip, so we recommend Normal.

Knitting methods vary from person to person, so it's hard to say without seeing it directly. Let's knit.

While holding the knitted fabric with your left hand, simply pull it out with the tip of the right needle. As you get used to it, the knitted fabric should not fall off.

I will also answer any questions you may have

Question 8: The color of the yarn has transferred to the bamboo knitting needles. Is there a way to remove the color or prevent the color from transferring?

i don't care I don't think there is any workaround.

My bamboo needles were also dyed navy blue when I knitted a navy blue sweater, and have been navy ever since. However, it is unlikely that the dye on the needle will transfer to another knitted fabric. If you rub it with a dry cloth and nothing sticks to it, you shouldn't worry too much. That's what bamboo needles are! Think of the needle as a consumable item and use it without worrying about it.

If it still bothers you, try using a metal needle.

Next time, at the strong request of Tokuko-sensei, we plan to talk about gauges!