November 01, 2023

Void by Melanie Berg

HAVE YOU KNIT THESE? <br>Void by Melanie Berg

“The inspiration for the Void pattern came from observing the interplay of negative space in architectural structures. I wanted to translate that concept into a knitted garment, creating a pattern that played with texture and the absence of stitches. The design evolved through sketching and swatching until I achieved the desired effect.

The design process for Void involved multiple iterations and adjustments. I wanted to strike a balance between simplicity and visual interest, which required experimenting with stitch patterns and techniques. Overall, the final design captured the essence of my initial vision, and I'm excited with how it turned out.

It has been incredibly rewarding and humbling to witness the countless interpretations of the Void pattern by knitters worldwide. Each shawl showcases the creativity and personal touch of the maker, which is truly inspiring. While it's challenging to pick favorites among the many stunning versions, I have a soft spot for those that incorporate unique color choices or modifications that add a personal flair.

I would like to express my gratitude to the knitting community for their enthusiasm and support for the Void pattern over the past eight years. It's a joy to see how knitters have embraced the design and made it their own. I hope that the pattern continues to bring pleasure to those who knit it.”

Photo courtesy of Melanie Berg.