Fantasy Knitting 2: I want Pool & Conquer!

Hello, this is Meri, who has the longest Ravelry queue in Japan (maybe). A queue generally means to stand in line, and on Ravelry it is a function to save patterns you want to knit. I give hearts (favorites) to projects and patterns that I think are cute, but I also put things I want to save for work in my queue so that I can look at them later, so I have 13 pages in my queue. I organize it regularly, but it shows no signs of getting shorter.

The other day, I was looking back through my queue and remembered that I had included this shawl that I wanted to knit someday. It's Pool & Conquer by Martina Behm from Germany.
This pattern was created by Martina because she wanted to make good use of her favorite Wollmeise yarn, especially Lacegarn ( other Fingering yarns are also OK ). It's good news for those who can't imagine how the color will come out with long-pitch gradation dyeing and can't use the yarn they have. The shawl will be finished with almost the same color as the skein.
The reason it's been in my queue for so long isn't because I want to knit it someday, but because I just want this shawl! I've been hoping someone would knit it for me since 2016. We have a lot of Wollmeise yarn in our shop right now, so I hope you'll give it a try!