September 20, 2018

Caitlin Hunter Fair

09:45 Meri: It's finally time to start planning for this fall.

09:45 Tokuko: Since last week, I've created a page introducing upcoming kits and fairs on the online shop!

09:46 Meri: We've been talking about doing it for a while, and now it's happening

09:47 Tokuko: As announced, the day after tomorrow is the Caitlin Hunter fair.

09:47 Meri: We are all working hard to prepare

09:48 Tokuko: We have a variety of samples available at our Tokyo store. Kits of course!

09:48 Tokuko: Kits will also be available at the online shop.

09:49 Meri: We have some kits coming out in October.

09:52 Tokuko: I will introduce various things at different times.

09:52 Tokuko: Come visit our shop every day!

09:54 Meri: Lots of good knits to knit from now on